November 26, 2023

Heartfelt Gratitude: Celebrating the Samarnmittra Sports Day 2023

In a spirited display of athleticism, camaraderie, and sheer enthusiasm, the Samarnmittra Sports Day 2023 unfolded on November 26, 2023, igniting the spirit of sportsmanship and unity. As the echoes of cheering and applause fade away, it’s time to extend our deepest gratitude to the remarkable athletes, esteemed guests, and generous sponsors whose collective support the Australian Alumni Association (Thailand). 

The athletes’ dedication and sportsmanship set the stage ablaze, as they transformed the field into a battleground of camaraderie in a friend match. The guests’ presence elevated the atmosphere, adding an extra layer of encouragement and joy to the festivities. Their unwavering support and spirited cheers served as a beacon of motivation for the athletes, amplifying the sense of community and turning the sports day into an unforgettable gathering of shared excitement and mutual encouragement. The sponsors’ commitment to fostering athleticism, teamwork, and unity within the community is commendable. Their contributions, whether big or small, have left an indelible mark on the event, ensuring its success and the lasting impact it has had on all involved.

The Australian Alumni Association Thailand extends its sincerest appreciation to each individual and entity involved in making the Sports Day 2023 an outstanding celebration of sportsmanship, unity, and the unwavering spirit of togetherness.

Visit our Facebook Page or Click here for full event album: first batch | second batch

Location: Polo Football Field


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Since 2016, admission to AAA Thailand events have been free of charge. However, the AAA Thailand Committee reserves the right to charge nominal fees for certain events from July 2020 onwards. For events organised by the Australian Embassy, AAA Thailand will submit names of alumni members to the embassy on a rotation basis. However, the final decision as to which alumni are invited rests with the Australian Embassy.